Southern California is a unique and diverse collection of habitats and ecosystems and is part of the world's Mediterranean climate, which covers 2% of the planet but hosts 16% of the worlds plant species. Why not celebrate what we have rather than trying to copy an east coast landscape aesthetic? Southern California experiences drought (less than average rainfall) seven out of tens years yet we are home to large varieties of plants, birds and insects. Here at ThreePineHill we love to experiment with native and climate appropriate plants so we often have lots of extra plants. We make the extras available to locals who have similar coastal environments at affordable prices: typically $4 for 4" pots and $7 for 6" pots. We also have large Monarch Pots (large enough to feed voracious monarch caterpillars), Plumeria and Pyrocantha, a favorite of fruit eating birds.
Caution! Most of our plants are bug and bird friendly, expect an increase in hummingbirds, mockingbirds, black phoebes, butterflies, bees, and lizards.
All of our plants are tested in our coastal garden without pesticides or herbicides. Availability varies contact us for available inventory.
[email protected]
Caution! Most of our plants are bug and bird friendly, expect an increase in hummingbirds, mockingbirds, black phoebes, butterflies, bees, and lizards.
All of our plants are tested in our coastal garden without pesticides or herbicides. Availability varies contact us for available inventory.
[email protected]